Distributed CAPE

This works under the main server web interface, so everything is transparent for the end user, even if they were analyzed on another server(s).

Deploy each server as a normal server and later just register it as a worker on the master server where dist.py is running.


The distributed script uses a few Python libraries which can be installed through the following command (on Debian/Ubuntu):

$ poetry run pip install flask flask-restful flask-sqlalchemy requests

Starting the Distributed REST API

The Distributed REST API requires a few command line options in order to run:

$ cd /opt/CAPEv2/web && poetry run python manage.py runserver_plus --traceback --keep-meta-shutdown

RESTful resources

Following are all RESTful resources. Also, make sure to check out the Quick usage section which documents the most commonly used commands.



GET GET /node

Get a list of all enabled CAPE nodes .


Register a new CAPE node.

GET GET /node/<name>

Get basic information about a node.

PUT PUT /node/<name>

Update basic information of a node.

DELETE DELETE /node/<name>

Disable (not completely remove!) a node.

GET /node

Returns all enabled nodes. For each node its associated name, API url, and machines are returned:

$ curl http://localhost:9003/node
    "nodes": {
        "localhost": {
            "machines": [
                    "name": "cuckoo1",
                    "platform": "windows",
                    "tags": [
            "name": "localhost",
            "url": "http://0:8000/apiv2/"

POST /node

Register a new CAPE node by providing the name and the URL. Optionally the apikey if auth is enabled, You might need to enable list_exitnodes and machinelist in custom/conf/api.conf if your Node API is using htaccess authentication:

$ curl http://localhost:9003/node -F name=master -F url=http://localhost:8000/apiv2/ -F apikey=apikey -F enabled=1
    "machines": [
            "name": "cape1",
            "platform": "windows",
            "tags": []
    "name": "localhost"

GET /node/<name>

Get basic information about a particular CAPE node:

$ curl http://localhost:9003/node/localhost
    "name": "localhost",
    "url": "http://localhost:8000/apiv2/"

PUT /node/<name>

Update basic information of a CAPE node:

$ curl -XPUT http://localhost:9003/node/localhost -F name=newhost \
    -F url=

Additional Arguments:

* enabled
    False=0 or True=1 to activate or deactivate worker node
* exitnodes
    exitnodes=1 - Update exit nodes list, to show on main web UI
* apikey
    apikey for authorization

DELETE /node/<name>

Disable a CAPE node, therefore not having it process any new tasks, but keep its history in the Distributed’s database:

$ curl -XDELETE http://localhost:9003/node/localhost

Quick usage

For practical usage the following few commands will be most interesting.

Register a CAPE node - a CAPE REST API running on the same machine in this case:

$ curl http://localhost:9003/node -F name=master -F url=http://localhost:8000/apiv2/
Master server must be called master, the rest of names we don't care

Disable a CAPE node:

$ curl -XDELETE http://localhost:9003/node/<name>


$ curl -XPUT http://localhost:9003/node/localhost -F enable=0


$ ./dist.py --node NAME --disable
Submit a new analysis task

The method of submission is always the same: by REST API or via web GUI, both only pointing to the “master node”.

Get the report of a task should be requested throw master node integrated /api/

Proposed setup

The following description depicts a Distributed CAPE setup with two CAPE machines, a master and a worker. In this setup the first machine, the master, also hosts the Distributed CAPE REST API.

Configuration settings

Our setup will require a couple of updates about the configuration files.

Note about VMs tags in hypervisor conf as kvm.conf:

* If you have ``x64`` and ``x86`` VMs:
* ``x64`` VMs should have both ``x64`` and ``x86`` tags. Otherwise only ``x64`` tag
* ``x86`` VMs should have only ``x86`` tag.
* You can use any other tags, just to work properly you need those two.
* Probably will be improved in future for better solution


Optional: Update tmppath to something that holds enough storage to store a few hundred binaries. On some servers or setups /tmp may have a limited amount of space and thus this wouldn’t suffice.

Update connection to use something that is not sqlite3. Preferably PostgreSQL. SQLite3 doesn’t support multi-threaded applications that well and this will give errors at random if used. Neither support database schema upgrade.


You may want to disable some processing modules, such as virustotal.


Depending on which report(s) are required for integration with your system it might make sense to only make those report(s) that you’re going to use. Thus disable the other ones.


Check also “[distributed]” section, where you can set the database, path for samples, and a few more values. Do not use sqlite3! Use PostgreSQL database for performance and thread safe.

Update db to use something that is not sqlite3. Preferably PostgreSQL. SQLite3 doesn’t support multi-threaded applications that well and this will give errors at random if used. Neither support database schema upgrade.

Register CAPE nodes

As outlined in Quick usage the CAPE nodes have to be registered with the Distributed CAPE script

without htaccess:

$ curl http://localhost:9003/node -F name=master -F url=http://localhost:8000/apiv2/

with htaccess:

$ curl http://localhost:9003/node -F name=worker -F url= \
  -F username=user -F password=password

Having registered the CAPE nodes all that’s left to do now is to submit tasks and fetch reports once finished. Documentation on these commands can be found in the Quick usage section.

VM Maintenance

Occasionally you might want to perform maintenance on VMs without shutting down your whole node. To do this, you need to remove the VM from being used by CAPE in its execution, preferably without having to restart the ./cuckoo.py daemon.

First, get a list of available VMs that are running on the worker:

$ poetry run python dist.py --node NAME

Secondly, you can remove VMs from being used by CAPE with:

$ poetry run python dist.py --node NAME --delete-vm VM_NAME

When you are done editing your VMs you need to add them back to be used by cuckoo. The easiest way to do that is to disable the node, so no more tasks get submitted to it:

$ poetry run python dist.py --node NAME --disable

Wait for all running VMs to finish their tasks, and then restart the workers ./cuckoo.py, this will re-insert the previously deleted VMs into the Database from custom/conf/virtualbox.conf.

Update the VM list on the master:

$ poetry run python dist.py --node NAME

And enable the worker again:

$ poetry run python dist.py --node NAME --enable

Good practice for production

The number of retrieved threads can be configured in reporting.conf

Installation of “uwsgi”:

# nginx is optional
# apt install uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python3 nginx

It’s better if you run “web” and “dist.py” as uwsgi application. To run your api with config just execute as:

# Web UI is started by systemd as cape-web.service
$ uwsgi --ini /opt/CAPEv2/uwsgi/capedist.ini

To add your application to auto start after boot, copy your config file to:

cp /opt/CAPEv2/uwsgi/capedist.ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/cape_dist.ini
ln -s /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/cape_dist.ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled

service uwsgi restart


If you have many workers is recommended
        set processes to be able handle number of requests dist + dist2 + 10
        set max connection number to be able handle number of requests dist + dist2 + 10

Distributed Mongo setup

Set one mongo as master and the rest just point to it, in this example cuckoo_dist.fe is our master server. Depending on your hardware you may prepend the next command before mongod:

$ numactl --interleave=all
This execute on all nodes, master included:
  • Very important, before the creation or recreation of the cluster, all /data should be removed to avoid problems with metadata

$ mkdir -p /data/{config,}db

These commands should be executed only on the master:

# create config server instance with the "cuckoo_config" replica set
# Preferably to execute few config servers on different shards
/usr/bin/mongod --configsvr --replSet cuckoo_config --bind_ip_all

# initialize the "cuckoo_config" replica set
mongosh --port 27019

Execute in mongo console:
      _id: "cuckoo_config",
      configsvr: true,
      members: [
        { _id: 0, host: "" },

This should be started on all nodes including master:

# start shard server
/usr/bin/mongod --shardsvr --bind_ip --port 27017 --replSet rs0

Add clients, execute on master mongo server:

# start mongodb router instance that connects to the config server
mongos --configdb cuckoo_config/ --port 27020 --bind_ip_all

# in another terminal
rs.initiate( {
   _id : "rs0",
   members: [
      { _id: 0, host: "192.168.1.x:27017" },
      { _id: 1, host: "192.168.1.x:27017" },
      { _id: 2, host: "192.168.1.x:27017" },

# Check which node is primary and change the prior if is incorrect
# https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/force-member-to-be-primary/
cfg = rs.conf()
cfg.members[0].priority = 0.5
cfg.members[1].priority = 0.5
cfg.members[2].priority = 1
rs.reconfig(cfg, {"force": true})

# Add arbiter only

# Add replica set member, secondary
rs.add({"host": "", "priority": 0.5})

# add shards
mongosh --port 27020

Execute in mongo console:
    sh.addShard( "rs0/")
    sh.addShard( "rs0/")
    sh.addShard( "rs0/")
    sh.addShard( "rs0/")

Where 192.168.1.(2,3,4,5) is our CAPE workers:

use cuckoo
# 5 days, last number is days
db.analysis.insert({"name":"tutorials point"})
db.calls.insert({"name":"tutorials point"})
db.analysis.createIndex ( {"_id": "hashed" })
db.calls.createIndex ( {"_id": "hashed"})

db.analysis.createIndex ( {"createdAt": 1 }, {expireAfterSeconds:60*60*24*5} )
db.calls.createIndex ( {"createdAt": 1}, {expireAfterSeconds:60*60*24*5} )

mongosh --port 27020
sh.shardCollection("cuckoo.analysis", { "_id": "hashed" })
sh.shardCollection("cuckoo.calls", { "_id": "hashed" })

To see stats on master:

mongos using
mongosh --host --port 27020

Modify cape reporting.conf [mongodb] to point all mongos in reporting.conf to host = port = 27020

To remove shard node:

To see all shards:
db.adminCommand( { listShards: 1 } )

use admin
db.runCommand( { removeShard: "SHARD_NAME_HERE" } )
For more information see:


If you need extra help, check this:

See any of these files on your system:

$ /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/README
$ /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/README
$ /usr/share/doc/uwsgi/README.Debian.gz
$ /etc/default/uwsgi

Administration and some useful commands:

$ mongosh --host --port 27020
$ use admin
$ db.adminCommand( { listShards: 1 } )

$ mongosh --host --port 27019
$ db.adminCommand( { movePrimary: "cuckoo", to: "shard0000" } )
$ db.adminCommand( { removeShard : "shard0002" } )

$ # required for post movePrimary
$ db.adminCommand("flushRouterConfig")
$ mongosh --port 27020 --eval 'db.adminCommand("flushRouterConfig")' admin

$ use cuckoo
$ db.analysis.find({"shard" : "shard0002"},{"shard":1,"jumbo":1}).pretty()
$ db.calls.getShardDistribution()

To migrate data ensure:
$ sh.setBalancerState(true)

User authentication and roles:

# To create ADMIN
use admin
        user: "ADMIN_USERNAME",
        pwd: passwordPrompt(), // or cleartext password
        roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }, "readWriteAnyDatabase" ]

# To create user to read/write on specific database
use cuckoo
        user: "WORKER_USERNAME",
        pwd:  passwordPrompt(),   // or cleartext password
        roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "cuckoo" }, { role : "dbAdmin", db : "cuckoo"  }]

# To enable auth in ``/etc/mongod.conf``, add next lines
    authorization: enabled

NFS data fetching:

Nice comparison between NFS, SSHFS, SMB

To configure NFS on the main server (NFS calls it client)

Install NFS client:
  • sudo apt install nfs-common

To install new service for fstab utils run as root:

ln -s /opt/CAPEv2/systemd/cape-fstab.service /lib/systemd/system/cape-fstab.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable cape-fstab.service
systemctl start cape-fstab.service

Following steps about folder creation, entry in fstab are automated on 30.01.2023. See utils/fstab.py

On client create folder per worker:

mkdir -p /opt/CAPEv2/workers/<worker_name>

Add workers to fstab:

<worker_ip/hostname>:/opt/CAPEv2 /opt/CAPEv2/workers/<worker_name> nfs, auto,user,users,nofail,noatime,nolock,intr,tcp,actimeo=1800 0 0

Example: /opt/CAPEv2/workers/1 nfs, auto,user,users,nofail,noatime,nolock,intr,tcp,actimeo=1800 0 0

CAPE worker(s) (NFS calls it servers):

Install NFS:
    * sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server
    * systemctl enable nfs-kernel-server

Run `id cape`:
    * to get uid and gid to place inside of the file, Example:
        * `uid=997(cape) gid=1005(cape) groups=1005(cape),1002(libvirt),1003(kvm),1004(pcap)`

Add entry to `/etc/exports`
    /opt/CAPEv2 <clinet_ip/hostname>(rw,no_subtree_check,all_squash,anonuid=<uid>,anongid=<gid>)

Run command on worker:
    exportfs -rav
On CAPE main server run:

Run mount -a to mount all NFS Edit custom/conf/reporting.conf -> distributed -> nfs=yes
