Suricata can be used to grab binaries or the like off the wire and then feed them to CAPEv2 for detonation. This involves several parts.
A box running Suricata listening on a network span.
suricata_extract_submit from CAPE::Utils for handling found binaries.
A CAPEv2 box for detonation.
mojo_cape_submit from CAPE::Utils for accepting submissions via suricata_extract_submit.
Suricata requires rules are capable of this and a output configured for file extraction.
CAPE::Utils can be installed via the command cpanm CAPE::Utils and on some Linux distros the headers, which on Debian is included in the package zlib1g-dev.
Once that is installed, a config file for suricata_extract_submit needs configured. The default location is usr/local/etc/suricata_extract_submit.ini.
# the API key to use if needed
# URL to find mojo_cape_submit at
# the group/client/whathaveya slug
# where Suricata has the file store at
# a file of IPs or subnets to ignore SRC or DEST IPs of
# a file of regex to use for checking host names go ignore
# if it should use HTTPS_PROXY and HTTP_PROXY from ENV or not
# stats file holding only the stats for the last run
# stats dir
And then a cron job setup akin to below to handle the submission.
*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/suricata_extract_submit 2> /dev/null > /dev/null
The output is safe to dump to /dev/null as script sends it’s data to syslog as suricata_extract_submit to the daemon log.
You can check if this has hung like below.
/usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_file_age -i -f /var/run/
And if monitoring via LibreNMS the following line can be added to the SNMPD config to enable monitoring of it. There are then several rules available in the rules collection that can be used for alerting upon submission issues.
extend suricata_extract /usr/local/bin/suricata_extract_submit_extend
With the submission CAPE::Utils just needs installed on the CAPEv2 system beingused for detonation. In the default configuration of CAPEv2 does not require /usr/local/etc/cape_utils.ini being used, but may be worthwhile reviewing the documentation. You will need to make sure the directories specifeid via the variable incoming and incoming_json exists and is writable/readable by CAPEv2.
And if using the supplied systemd service file the following config file needs configured at /usr/local/etc/mojo_cape_submit.env. For more information on deploying Mojolicious based apps, the listen string, or for writing your own service file or something similar, checkout docs for Mojolicious Deployment.
Security mojo_cape_submit defaults to IP and can be controlled by the auth value in the config and has the default value of subnet as being,,::1/128,,, which allows submission via anything on common private/local subnets.
If you using LibreNMS, you can monitor monitor it via mojo_cape_submit_extend by adding the following to your SNMPD config.
extend mojo_cape_submit /usr/local/bin/mojo_cape_submit_extend